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Portable版FreeSoftの勧め 更新情報 2012.05.092012/05/09 00:05

ポータブル版フリーソフトの勧め 更新情報  2012.05.09

自己の責任でご活用ください )

Story Type  
HashCompare V1.5 Files - Integrity Checkers  Update
ShareMouse Portable 1.0.90 share the mouse and the keyboard between computers  Update
LinuxLive USB Creator Portable 2.8.12 bootable Live(boot system) USB Creator  Update
PeStudio V3.66 shows details about applications (.exe, .dll, .cpl, ocx, .ax, .sys, etc.)  Update
GIMP Portable 2.8.0 Rev3 image management and editing  Update
Windows Error Lookup Tool Portable 3.0.4 get details on Windows error codes  Update
Microsoft Silverlight v5.1.10411.0
   ♦♦♦ ポータブルではありません ♦♦♦
video/animation web browsers plugin  Update
WinDNA 7 v1.04 Portable Windows7 システム各機能追加/無効化・設定コントロールによるPC動作改良支援  Update
Firefox Portable 13.0 Beta2 日本語 Famous Browser  Update
Thunderbird Portable 13.0 Beta1 日本語 Famous Email Client  Update
Wise Data Recovery Portable v3.04.154 beta deleted file recover hard-disk / removable-drive  Update
Ancia Portable v1.5.8 beta tabbed Web Browser - Mage in Japan  Update
WinSCP 5.0.7 beta FTP, SFTP, SCP, FTPS client  Update
McAfee AVERT Stinger V10.2.0.615 Security - Malware Detection  Update
Listary V3.51.858  (PortableApps.com版) find-as-you-type search for Windows Explorer and more  Update
Blender Portable 2.63 3D modeling, animation, rendering  Update
Q-Dir V5.08 Quad-Pane Files Manager  Update
Universal Viewer Free Portable
multi document viewer,
multimedia player,
Lister plugins possible
Serva32 V2.00 Internet - Web, FTP, TFTP client/server, DHCP and Proxy DHCP (PXE Service), DNS, SNTP and SYSLOG Servers  Update
Listary V3.51.858 System - File management  Update
CSVFileView V1.45 spreadsheet viewer/converter  Update

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━━━━ ポータブル フリーソフト の勧め━━━━



