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Portable版FreeSoftの勧め 更新情報 2013.01.012013/01/01 11:59

ポータブル版フリーソフトの勧め 更新情報  2013.01.01

自己の責任でご活用ください )

Story Type  
Portable KCleaner
A tiny application (small memory footprint) than helps you keeping your system clean of unwanted / temporary files  New
X-SQLyog 10.5.1-0 [rev11]
View and manage databases  Update
Classic Shell 3.6.5J 日本語強化リビルド版
    ♠♠♠ ポータブルではありません ♠♠♠
Windows 8/7/vista/08,12serverでXP時代の軽量・軽快クラシックスタートメニュー・エクスプローラー,IEメニューを復活させる
CintaNotes Portable 2.0.1
Productivity - PIMs
McAfee Stinger Portable
Antivirus Portable utility - used to detect and remove specific viruses  Update
Rapid CRC Unicode Portable 0.3/11
CRC/MD5/SHA hashing - RapidCRC Unicode can verify file integrity via a variety of checksums. Features include multi-threaded hash calculations with asynchronous I/O, job queuing, popup menu to copy the calculated hashes to the clipboard. Algorithms include SFV(CRC32), MD5, ED2K, SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-512.  New
X-Finder 11-11 国産タブ型ファイルマネージャ  Update
Launcher v2.0.0 Launcher is a personal shortcut manager that can launch files and programs.
 How to extract:
 1.Download the installer and extract using Universal Extractor.
 2.Move the files/folders inside {app} to a folder of your choice.
 3.Edit muc.ini to read:
  <span style="font-family: monospace; font-weight: bold;">[Misc]</span>
  <span style="font-family: monospace; font-weight: bold;">DataAccess=app</span>
 4.Launch Launcher_32b_W9xNT4.exe (32-bit ANSI) or Launcher_32b_W2K.exe (32-bit Unicode) or Launcher_64b_W2K.exe (64-bit Unicode).
Leafier v1.0.0.1 simple HTML editor with tag insertion feature. Unicode, tabbed multi document interface, syntax highlighting, etc is supported.  New
MediaCoder 0.8.18 Build 5342
    ♠♠♠ ポータブルではありません ♠♠♠
audio/video codecs and tools in an elegant and transparent manner into an all-in-one transcoding solution

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━━━━ ポータブル フリーソフト の勧め━━━━



