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Portable版FreeSoftの勧め 更新情報 2012.11.222012/11/22 00:07

ポータブル版フリーソフトの勧め 更新情報  2012.11.22

自己の責任でご活用ください )

Story Type  
Firefox ESR, Portable 10.0.11 日本語
 (v10.x サポート終了版 PortableApps.Com版)
Famous Browser (Extended Support Release)  Update
Wise Folder Hider Portable 1.29.66
  + 日本語化ファイル by.TiltStr__不定期版さん
file/folder hiding tool in in local partitions and removable devices  Update
uTorrent 3.3 Build 28577 Alpha bittorrent client
 How to extract:
 1.Download the single EXE file to a folder of your choice.
 2.Create an empty text file called settings.dat in the same folder.
 3.Launch utorrent.exe
McAfee AVERT Stinger Antivirus stand-alone utility - used to detect and remove specific viruses  Update
MediaCoder 0.8.16 Build 5298
    ♠♠♠ ポータブルではありません ♠♠♠
audio/video codecs and tools in an elegant and transparent manner into an all-in-one transcoding solution
Vista Codec Package 6.4.1 (HP)
    ♠♠♠ ポータブルではありません ♠♠♠
Video/Audio codec package for Windows Vista
Win7codecs 3.8.8
    ♠♠♠ ポータブルではありません ♠♠♠
Video/Audio codec package for Windows7
Windows 8 Codecs 1.30
    ♠♠♠ ポータブルではありません ♠♠♠
audio/video codec package for Windows8
BrowsingHistoryView V1.10 reads the history data of 4 different Web browsers (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari) and displays the browsing history of all these Web browsers in one table  Update
Simple Port Forwarding V3.6.0 (HP) Simple Port Forwarding helps with the automation process of port forwarding on a variety of routers, without the need to know the technical details of the particular router.  Update
WirelessNetView V1.43 Wireless Network Monitoring Tool
 How to extract:
 1.Download the ZIP package and extract to a folder of your choice.
 2.Launch WirelessNetView.exe.
 3.Optionally, download oui.txt to the same folder to show the company name associated with the MAC address (e.g. Intel network devices always start with code 00A092)
OllyDbg V2.01 (HP) 32-bit assembler level debugger  Update
Ahnenblatt Portable 2.74
Generate impressive ancestor and descendent trees  Update
Portable TaskUnifier 3.1.3
Manage and synchronize your tasks with this tool  Update

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━━━━ ポータブル フリーソフト の勧め━━━━

